"Train Of Love" : Hopes Of Despair

‘Train Of Love’ is the third poem in the collection, 'Hopes Of Despair'. A train that doesn't at your station!

Like when you desperately want to be invited to party, but out of some reservations or formalities you say no, expecting that the host will try to pursue you but the host, probably was himself looking for an excuse for not inviting you, and takes advantage of your formal denial and does not ask you for the second time.

This also happens at least few times in our lives. When we actually are too, confident that the other person will placate, pursue us, but instead the other person takes our words literally.

It is when you are angry with your beloved and express your anger—anger is also a part of love—we are not angry on strangers, we do not express our dissatisfaction from strangers. We express our feelings on those people whom we know or rather believe that our absence, our anger, will affect them.

But what if, that person does not behave in the manner you had expected. That person, instead of placating you, persuading you, takes leave.

It’s a tricky situation, technically it is us, who had asked or given consent to what is happening, but actually we were not anticipating and wishing it to happen!

Like if I you ask your boyfriend/girlfriend to stop talking to you and he/she literally stops doing it. Now, you cannot blame him/her it’s you who had asked for it.

Well, this poem is all about such a situation.

‘Train Of Love’ is the third poem in the collection of best love poems, 'Hopes of Despair'.

I will be posting one by one about other poems too which you can find here

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